Friday 10 February 2017

SPA Geog Year 8- What goes bump in the night?

SPA Geog Year 8 Chislehurst Cave Adventure
#Where will Geography take you?

Have you ever experienced something that goes bump on the night? Do you ever feel a chill from something unexplained? Do you believe in places that are haunted? 

These were all questions that Year 8 were asking themselves on the bus from St Paul’s Academy to Chislehurst Caves. It has been rumoured that the caves are haunted by the ghosts of its past; the dog that used to search for bodies in the 1890s tourism barking; the horse where the stable collapsed inside the cave neighing; and the lady who was drowned in the pool. No longer are challenges allowed to stay overnight in the caves given the consequences of the people who tried. But the trip would go smoothly…right?!

Year 8 students looking scared and nervous as they enter the start of the caves where the map is located.

Please see the link below for an insight into the place the students visited:

It has also been shown on the program ‘Most Haunted’ which can be seen on the link below:

The trip explored the caves created in the various different time periods; the Saxons, Romans and the Druids – which are supposed to be the most haunted due to the human sacrifices to the Gods. In the Second World War over 15,000 civilians were residents in the cave in case of bombing from the Germans. The students were walking in the footsteps of those before them.

Students clung to each other weary of sounds of a dog barking, the feeling of a child’s hand holding theirs and nothing was there and the chill on the backs of their necks from a sudden change in temperature. The experiences that led to these were when the tour guide took the teacher’s lanterns and left the group in the pitch blackness of the cave. The students’ only friend was the person (if you had proof that it was human) next to them. They were awoke from the images of the darkness by the sound of the gong hitting the large cymbal. This, I can guarantee you, caused a mass panic and strong screams from the Year 8.

 Year 8 students at the Druids’ scarification chamber. Are they all our students?

Please see the Geography Blog and St Paul’s Academy website for more details of events within Geography. For all the pictures, especially of students REWARD trips and outside learning experiences the sites above will provide you with these. 

#Where is your next Geography classroom? 

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