Sunday 23 April 2017

SPA Geog and Peadbody Ambassadors start in style

SPA GEOG & Peabody

The first task for this collection of outstanding students was to help recruit students for GCSE options in Year 8. Part of the Peabody and SPA Geog Ambassador initiative is one that is sustainable and a legacy. We need to continue recruit the quality and motivated individuals yearly to make a difference to the subject and of course the local community. Some of the accolades these students hold are:
  • Over 150 hours volunteering between them;
  • They are passionate about the subject;
  • Some of these individuals won a £10,000 trip with Wide Horizons last year;
  • They have worked on a 'The Living Thames' Documentary with David Attenborough (to screen in September).
Therefore the first task was to publicize Geography and aim to attract Year 8 in an Assembly. This was led by Clare Gaffney and Tara Mallon who worked with the students on their preparation. Have a look at the assembly below:

Well done Ambassadors! You are already becoming the assets to the subject that we know you can. Keep in contact for updates to their progress in achieving an accreditation in 'Young Leadership'.

#Where’s your next Geography classroom?

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